community projects >  eugene >  The Tango Center  >  Organization >  Structural issues >  Membership structure > 
 Membership structure
The membership structure drives the agenda of the organization, within the mission of the corporation.
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Summary of points
Membership model

One type of membership, open to as many people as possible.

Members will meet, either face-to-face or online, to elect (powerless) officers and directors, and vote on initiatives. They will be able to read everything, and vote on everything, online.

April 18, 2006 3:27 PM   greg
types of members

Most organizations and non-profits have various membership categories. It's hard to see what these might be for us, but they might reflect aspects of our community:

1. regular dues-paying member. had voting privileges. perhaps discounts and guest passes.
2. sponsored member: perhaps students or just people nominated and voted into this category
3. executive member: people who have been considered by the group to have made extraordinary commitments, or who have extraordinary talents, and who could be elected to certain positions. Or who have held them.

Note on sortition: this is an alternative to membership election of board members. Sortition means a random selection of board members, and other at-large positions, from the membership.

Note that there might be dozens of membership types. Please suggest them in the column at the right.

April 17, 2006 6:46 PM   greg

Membership types
add a membership type. rate the ones you think make the most sense.
participants: 1
Just one type of member

Regular member

Voting privileges. Standard discounts.
Sponsored member

Doesn't pay dues. Same privileges as regular member.
Volunteer or staff member

Similar to sponsored member. Someone who is hired by the Tango Center, or works way more than minimum volunteer hours, regularly. Voting privileges.

Question: volunteer requirement?
Should voting members be required to volunteer in some way?
We assume this will be visible, from the work of the volunteer coordination team.
participants: 1
It doesn't matter.


Volunteering should not be a requirement of membership. Dues is sufficient. Not everyone can volunteer. And certainly people who just want to dance should not be disenfranchised.

There's always a way for people to volunteer: some hospitals are partly run by their patients, etc. Any level of volunteering is helpful for community-building.
I don't like the question

What should be the cost of regular membership?
Assuming we will sponsor the memberships of people who can't afford it and volunteer, what should dues be? Make suggestions with 'add'.
participants: 1
A token amount

Something like $10/year
A milonga-supporting amount

Something like $10/month, which also pre-pays two milongas a month.

speak freely
Membership non-profit

The proposed non-profit is membership driven. Members elect board members, and other positions as the community deems necessary. The community can also raise initiatives at any point. There are membership meetings, which have the real power. The board's job is primarily to provide feedback to the community, about how things are running. This is very similar to a normal corporate board of directors, which offers advice more than management. See operational structure.

Otherwise, the project groups manage the day-to-day activities of the TC.

April 17, 2006 5:57 PM   greg

The Corvallis Community Theater is a nonprofit corp (I think). Membership is comprised of anyone who participates in a show (actors, directors, crew, ushers, etc) or other activity associated with the group. They have a yearly membership meeting (party) where board members are elected. The problem is getting people who are willing to be board members. A few years ago, the board decided to take the organization in a different direction whereupon a special membership meeting was held and most of the board members thrown out. I think it is important to make membership as open as possible.

I am a little uncomfortable with different types of members. My thouoghts are that perhaps there should be paid membership but that would include an equivalent (or equivalent minus some fixed amount, say $10) value in "passes" to milongas or other dance venues held at the TC. That way we don't exclude those who activly participate but requires participants to pony up some cash to indicate their committment. Perhaps there could be a student membership and a full membership. The full membership could cost more but would get more of the milonga passes. Maybe there could even be a sponsoring membership level, equivalent to a full member but with an extra cost. The extra (above full membership) would be a donation with no additional milonga passes.

Volunteers could be rewarded with milonga passes or with discounts to milongas.

Just some thoughts.

April 18, 2006 10:42 AM   PeterGysegem
One kind of member

I agree with Peter, that there should just be one kind of membership.

His experience with Boards is pretty universal in this kind of organization.The Board should be as small as possible, with no power.

April 18, 2006 2:51 PM   greg

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