community projects >  eugene >  The Tango Center  >  Organization >  Structural issues >  Operational structure > 
 Operational structure
The operational structure consists of the roles and responsibilities in the community. This is "how things operate".
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Operationally, everything is a project.

The Tango Center is a project. Each milonga is a project. The performances are projects, as are the beginning classes, the publicity, the potlucks, and anything special ...

The front desk is a project, and Yifang is the project lead, assisted by Kathryn and the volunteers. We need something similar for everything else: DJ-ing, live music, performances, etc. Hopefully this is done without much bureaucracy, appealing to the best solution for the moment. So, for example, Rebecca was around during the auction, and people trust her judgement on dance matters, so she figured out who would perform.

April 17, 2006 11:07 PM   greg
Early Outline of the operation

Front door
Site & inventory maintenance
Site development
Interior design
Class scheduling
Workshop scheduling
DJ scheduling
Performance & special event creation
Live music scheduling & development
Pre-milonga class scheduling
Bill payments

April 18, 2006 10:46 AM   greg
Not run by the board, nor by executives

The Tango Center will be a community-run organization. That means that it is not run by the board or by an executive staff.

Essentially, it already is run by it's project teams. And that's the way a healthy community actually works. That's what "community-run" means.

April 18, 2006 3:19 PM   greg

speak freely
Starting a Project

I want to start a project to have regular yoga in the mornings at the TC. How do I go about getting a key for the yoga instructor?

April 19, 2006 4:16 PM   andrewm
Getting the Ball Rolling

Since I can't have my own key duplicated, I need to get a key from someplace for the yoga instructor. Are there extra keys in the office?

April 20, 2006 1:25 PM   andrewm

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