
Vote NO on

 Taxpayers for Sensible Downtown Development
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Ballot Measure 20-134

QUESTION: Shall urban renewal plan be amended to increase the spending limit by $40 million and extend the plan’s ending date?

SUMMARY: If approved by voters, this measure would make two major changes to the downtown urban renewal plan.

First, the measure would increase the amount of urban renewal funds that can be spent on downtown projects by $40 million. The urban renewal plan limits the amount of urban renewal funds that can be spent, known as the maximum indebtedness amount. Under the current plan, approximately $4.5 million is left for downtown projects. These urban renewal funds – officially
called tax increment funds – are the property taxes on the increase in assessed value of property in the urban renewal district that occurs after the plan’s adoption. Tax increment financing does not impose new taxes, but instead reallocates the property taxes on the increase in assessed value
from other taxing districts to the urban renewal agency. This reduces revenues to the other taxing districts.

Second, the measure would extend the termination date for the downtown urban renewal plan from 2024 to 2030.

A ‘yes’ vote approves the urban renewal plan amendments.

Who are “Taxpayers for Sensible Downtown Development -
Vote NO on 20-134?”

We are local merchants, concerned taxpayers, and
elected officials, who support “Taxpayers for Sensible
Downtown Development- NO on 20-134” and endorse their
opposition to amending the Downtown
Urban Renewal Plan to increase the debt limit by $40
million to $73 million; and to extend the ending date
from 2026 to 2030. We are enthusiastically in favor of
developing downtown sensibly using our more than
adequate existing resources.

Please join us in Voting NO on 20-134.
State Representative Paul Holvey
Lane County Commissioner Peter Sorenson
Eugene City Councilor Bonny Bettman
Eugene City Councilor Betty Taylor
Gavin McComas, owner Sundance Natural Foods
George Brown, owner Kiva Grocery
Paul Nicholson, owner Paul's Bicycle Way of Life
John Ebeling, owner Sandpiper Import Service
Scott Landsfield, owner Tsunami Books
Greg Bryant, The Tango Center
Ginnie Lo, Professor & Author
Tom Tracey, owner The Horsehead
Southeast Neighbors Board of Directors
Rob Handy, Member of West Broadway Advisory Committee
Jan Wostman
Howard Bonnett, Professor of Biology, Emeritus
Lisa Warnes Contracting & Repair, CCB#133783
Michael Carrigan
Ilona Koleszar, Attorney at Law
Pam Basilius Bookeeping Services
Glenn V. Greening
David Atkin
Sharon Greening
Audrey Erickson
Larry Weinerman
Core Taggart
Charles R. Snyder
Julie Hulme, Teacher
George Wuerthner, Author/Photographer
Kathleen Leonard, Harmony Piano Service
Kevin Mathews, Editor in Chief, ArchitecturWeek
David Monk
Sylvia J. Taylor
Robert T. Taylor
Royal Murdock
William M. Gilbert
Donna Bruyere
Lynn Reichman
Eleanor G. Jackson
George Beres
Phyllis S. Peara
Marjorie Tracy
William Tracy
Karin Dunker, Retired Teacher
Ken A. Standhardt
Carla Wenzlaff
Robert Rosen
David G. Hinkley
Tom Halferty
Marilyn R. Murdock

Taxpayers for Sensible Downtown Development –
No on 20-134

Two buildings demolished if 20-134 passes

The Bristow Building
Currently home to Taco Time (founded in Eugene), MECCA, The Network Charter School, and the Eugene Literacy Council.

The Public Market Building
(Currently home to The Tango Center, Shaw Med, The New Zone Collective and its current Salon des Refusés show)

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The Ordinance

The City Council of the City of Eugene finds that:
A. The Urban Renewal Plan for the Central Eugene Project (the "1968 Plan") was initially adopted on July 3, 1968 by Resolution No. 257 of the Eugene Urban Renewal Agency, and on December 19, 1968 by Resolution No. 1609 of the Eugene City Council. The City Council subsequently amended the Plan by Ordinance No. 19648 on November 8, 1989 (the "1989 Amendment"), by Ordinance No. 20120 on June 1, 1998 (the "1 998 Amendment"), and by Ordinance No. 20328 on September 13,2004 (the "2004 Amendment" and together with the 1989 Amendment, the 1998 Amendment and the 2004 Amendment, the "Original Plan" ).

B. The 1998 Amendment was in response to provisions of Measure 50, and .the Council's action grandfathered the district, selected- a tax option, set a maximum indebtedness amount, and specified that tax increment fhds only be used for development of a downtown library, completion of certain existing projects, and payment of District administrative expenses.

C. The 2004 Amendment expanded the projects for which tax increment fixids could be used, created a public advisory committee; and added a requirement of specific Agency approval for projects greater than $250,000, other than loans.

D. The City Council's 2007 Goals include a goal to facilitate significant
revitalization of downtown. The City Council and the Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Eugene (the "Agencyy') have determined that implementation of the West Broadway, redevelopment concept, using urban renewal as a financing tool, is-consistent with that goal and will require a substantial amendment of the Original Plan, and on May 29, 2007 directed the
Agency Director to initiate the process to amend the Original Plan.

E. In accordance with the provisions of ORS 457, the Oregon Constitution, and all applicable laws and ordinances, the Planning and Development Department of the City of Eugene has prepared amendments to the Original Plan (the "2007 Amendments") including:

(1) Renaming the Plan "The Urban Renewal Plan for the Downtown Urban Renewal District";
(2) Increasing the maximum indebtedness amount by $40 million, to a total of $73 million; and
(3) Extending the termination date from June 30,2024 to June 30,2030.

Ordinance - 1
F. The Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Eugene has considered the proposed 2007 Amendments (such 2007 Amendments amending the Original Plan hereinafter referred to as the "Plan" or the "Urban Renewal Plan") and the accompanying Report on Urban Renewal Plan for the Downtown Urban Renewal District (the "Report") and has fonvarded it to the Council for adoption.
G. In accordance with ORS 457.085(5), on June 11,2007, the proposed Plan and the Report was forwarded to the governing body of each taxing district affected by the Plan.
H. On June 18,2007 the Planning Commission met to review the Plan and Report.
I. After public notice mailed pursuant to ORS 457.120, the Council conducted a public hearing on July 16, 2007, on the proposed 2007 Amendments. Based on the recommendations of the Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Eugene, and the Planning Commission, and the written and oral testimony before the Planning Commission and the Council, the Council specifically finds and determines that:
(1) The area defined in the Plan is blighted;
(2) The rehabilitation and redevelopment is necessary to protect the public health, safety or welfare of the municipality;
(3) The Plan conforms to the Metropolitan Area General Plan, State Land Use Planning Goals, the Downtown Plan, the adopted Growth Management Policies, the Vision for Greater Downtown Eugene, and other adopted City plans and policies, including the Council's 2007 Goals, and provides an outline for accomplishing the urban renewal projects proposed in the Plan;
(4) The Plan provides that the Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Eugene will prepare, adopt and maintain a Relocation Policy providing for the housing of displaced persons within their financial means in accordance with ORS 35.500 to 35.530 and, except in the relocation of elderly or disabled individuals, without displacing on priority lists persons already waiting for existing federally subsidized housing;
(5) Acquisition of real property is necessary to carry out the purposes and policies of the Plan;
(6) Adoption and carrying out of the Plan is economically sound and feasible; and
(7) The City shall assume and complete any activities prescribed by the Plan.
Section 1. Based upon the above findings, which are hereby adopted, the Urban Renewal Plan for the Downtown Urban Renewal District attached as Exhibit A is approved and adopted as the urban renewal plan for the area set forth in the Plan.
Section 2. The City Recorder is requested to:
(a) Publish a notice of the adoption of the Plan, in the Register-Guard, a
newspaper published within the City of Eugene and having the greatest
circulation within the City, no later than four days following the date that
this Ordinance is adopted. In accordance with ORS 457.135, the notice
Ordinance - 2
shall contain a statement that the Plan shall be conclusively presumed
valid for all purposes 90 days after its adoption by this Ordinance and that no direct or collateral attack on the action adopting the Plan may be commenced thereafter;
(b) Forward a copy of this Ordinance and the Plan to the Urban Renewal
Agency of the City of Eugene, which Agency will cause the Plan to be
recorded in the official records of Lane County, Oregon; and
(c) Forward a copy of this Ordinance and the Plan to the Lane County
Assessor and request that the Assessor perform the duties directed by ORS
457.430 through OM 457.450.
Section 3. The provisions of Sections 1 and 2 of this Ordinance shall not become effective unless approved by the electors of the City of Eugene at the City election to be held concurrently with the statewide election on November 6,2007.
Passed by the City Council this Approved by the Mayor this
15th day of August, 2007 !(& day of Aug
[Ordinance 20389, originally passed by the City Council on August 13,2007, was amended and readopted by the City Council on August 15,2007.]

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